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I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.

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User ID: 28014725
11/18/2012 08:02 PM
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I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.

Despite the gore images of Jack the Ripper's victims, I decided going through the movie because of the historic facts and the conspiracy itself, and by this viewpoint I gotta say, it's a MUST see for everybody who wants have a glimpse of the sordid Idol1 apparatus for creating false flags and diversions, amid ritualistic blood sacrifices, and to protect themselves and cover up their tracks at ANY cost.

It's a VERY anguishing movie, with an astonishing performance of Depp, and the Hughes Brothers spare no fire against Ms. I'm still baffled on how this movie even made out to the screens, because it shows acceptance rituals and secret oaths and how high authorities, prominent members of society and royal families are bound together in murderous conspiracies and how they undermine people who make genuine efforts to investigate their crimes, such as the Inspector Frederick Abberline, who are still being discredited by modern writers and researchers of Jack the Ripper's murders, over a hundred years after the crimes.

Matter of fact, most modern writers have worked to discredit the theory that the Ripper was either Prince Albert himself or the main suspect, Sir William Withey Gull, a physician of the British royal family and master M, who's the killer in "From Hell" and reveals at the end of the movie, that the deaths of the prostitutes were actually satanic rituals, despite the original plot created by the queen Victoria, the PM Lord Salisbury and the Ms for killing all witnesses that Prince Albert had a son/daughter with a whore, and the bastard heir as well.

I'm not gonna spoil the movie anymore, in case you didn't see it yet, but definitely this movie will open your eyes about secret societies being the root of all evil on Earth.

Last Edited by UndercoverAlien on 11/18/2012 08:03 PM
"Do or do not. There is no try." (Yoda)
UndercoverAlien  (OP)

User ID: 28014725
11/18/2012 08:09 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Most writers stick to the version that the Ripper was just a misogynist crook with violent temper.
As usual all efforts of history "researchers" are meant to cover up the involvement of the British royal family and Ms in the crimes.
"Do or do not. There is no try." (Yoda)
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 12636907
United States
11/18/2012 08:10 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
stop posting.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 26298928
United States
11/18/2012 08:14 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Yeah, that was a weird movie. Most of the facts in it have been debunked now, but I see what you mean about blatant symbolism.
UndercoverAlien  (OP)

User ID: 28014725
11/18/2012 08:15 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
If you're considering joining the Idol1 I strongly suggest you watch this movie before you take any decisions.

"Do or do not. There is no try." (Yoda)
UndercoverAlien  (OP)

User ID: 28014725
11/18/2012 08:18 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Yeah, that was a weird movie. Most of the facts in it have been debunked now, but I see what you mean about blatant symbolism.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26298928

But that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Nothing was debunked and there's only the effort of mainstream writers to discredit the theory that involves royals and the M apparatus.

And the symbolism seen in this movie is not the average brainwashing subliminal shit in most Hollywood movies. It's contextual and open!
"Do or do not. There is no try." (Yoda)
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 26433353
11/18/2012 08:21 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Great movie

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 26298928
United States
11/18/2012 08:22 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Yeah, that was a weird movie. Most of the facts in it have been debunked now, but I see what you mean about blatant symbolism.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26298928

But that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Nothing was debunked and there's only the effort of mainstream writers to discredit the theory that involves royals and the M apparatus.

And the symbolism seen in this movie is not the average brainwashing subliminal shit in most Hollywood movies. It's contextual and open!
 Quoting: UndercoverAlien

I guess it's all how you look at it. I could ask you why this movie was allowed to tell the truth when no one else is? If the truth of the matter is sensitive, why would they allow it to be blabbed in a movie with relatively big names?

What I think may be more important, which you also noticed, is the willingness to use symbolism at all. I don't disagree with your basic point at all, just remember that Hollywood LOVES the redirect. To me, the facts chosen to be represented here mean nothing - the symbolism means everything!

User ID: 26696239
United States
11/18/2012 08:26 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
I'm still baffled on how this movie even made out to the screens, because it shows acceptance rituals and secret oaths and how high authorities, prominent members of society and royal families are bound together in murderous conspiracies and how they undermine people who make genuine efforts to investigate their crimes, such as the Inspector Frederick Abberline, who are still being discredited by modern writers and researchers of Jack the Ripper's murders, over a hundred years after the crimes.
 Quoting: UndercoverAlien

It was only a movie and you're crazy if you question what professional historians say.

That's why.
Overstand, this isn't a sermon from the hill, but a 'Trespassers Will Be Shot' Sign.
UndercoverAlien  (OP)

User ID: 28014725
11/18/2012 08:40 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Yeah, that was a weird movie. Most of the facts in it have been debunked now, but I see what you mean about blatant symbolism.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26298928

But that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Nothing was debunked and there's only the effort of mainstream writers to discredit the theory that involves royals and the M apparatus.

And the symbolism seen in this movie is not the average brainwashing subliminal shit in most Hollywood movies. It's contextual and open!
 Quoting: UndercoverAlien

I guess it's all how you look at it. I could ask you why this movie was allowed to tell the truth when no one else is? If the truth of the matter is sensitive, why would they allow it to be blabbed in a movie with relatively big names?

What I think may be more important, which you also noticed, is the willingness to use symbolism at all. I don't disagree with your basic point at all, just remember that Hollywood LOVES the redirect. To me, the facts chosen to be represented here mean nothing - the symbolism means everything!
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26298928

I got you! I questioned myself a hundred times why this movie was allowed to be out and burn the Ms of such unusual way for Hollywood. I'm still baffled by the scene when Johnny Depp pulls the M ring off the police-chief's finger, throw it in the ground, spits on it and says "Fuck you and your brothers", that's some pretty strong stuff for a Hollywood movie and probably you're right about the symbolism being just another codex-magica brainwashing instead of simply the truth, but despite I've never watched this movie before, I remember it was not popular in the screen when released.

I don't remember if it was a straight-to-DVD release but definitely it was not the average blockbuster.
"Do or do not. There is no try." (Yoda)
UndercoverAlien  (OP)

User ID: 28014725
11/18/2012 08:44 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
I'm still baffled on how this movie even made out to the screens, because it shows acceptance rituals and secret oaths and how high authorities, prominent members of society and royal families are bound together in murderous conspiracies and how they undermine people who make genuine efforts to investigate their crimes, such as the Inspector Frederick Abberline, who are still being discredited by modern writers and researchers of Jack the Ripper's murders, over a hundred years after the crimes.
 Quoting: UndercoverAlien

It was only a movie and you're crazy if you question what professional historians say.

That's why.
 Quoting: NonAlignedEntity

Shill cliche.
"Do or do not. There is no try." (Yoda)
theparasitepuppets nevalearn
User ID: 1344279
11/18/2012 08:48 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1404507
United States
11/18/2012 08:49 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Heather Graham was breathtaking in the movie....
spirit of truth
User ID: 1344279
11/18/2012 08:50 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Most writers stick to the version that the Ripper was just a misogynist crook with violent temper.
As usual all efforts of history "researchers" are meant to cover up the involvement of the British royal family and Ms in the crimes.
 Quoting: UndercoverAlien


User ID: 25664589
United States
11/18/2012 08:57 PM

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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
"From hell is one of m favorite movies. The acting was superb. I definitely think the movie could have some truth as to the whys of the Ripper killings.
The whole Albert was not even in the vicinity could be absolute bullcrap. The papers printed whatever Victoria told them to print.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 14408911
United States
11/18/2012 09:02 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
This theory makes sense to me. Vivisectionists needing bodies for their experiments


During the era when Jack the Ripper did his deeds there was much interest in the human organs, their function, and the potential for playing God by piecing a human together, with the best of this or that. DNA and the manner in which its influence permeates all parts of the body, or the difficulties doctors face when transplanting organs that soon are rejected by the new host, were unknown to doctors and scientists during that era. That the story of the Frankenstein Monster arose during that era is indicative of the interest in this subject. Where the story of a living monster, pieced together from body parts harvested from the dead or living, is fiction, the story of attempts to create such a monster is not fiction. There were many Dr. Frankensteins, and as doctors came from the upper classes during that era, they were well connected.

The identity of Jack the Ripper is not known to the public, but was known to the authorities, at least those who made the decision on whether to pursue a line of investigation or the path that investigation was to take. The influence the upper classes has on the police and regulatory agencies is not new, and pressure to look the other way or financial inducements have always been a facet of human society. The rumor that the perpetrator was royalty was spread to explain why the authorities had little luck. The common man could comprehend a reluctance to indict royalty, and that royalty would be able to suppress an investigation.

Jack the Ripper was not one man, but a group of scientists and doctors, actively pursuing in real life what Dr. Frankenstein was pursuing in fiction. Fresh corpses were routinely delivered to medical schools for autopsy practice and the training of students, so harvesting fresh organs from the recently deceased was not difficult. However, when those wishing to play God found that dead organs only resulted in a dead body, they sought living organs. Prostitutes were easy prey, as they could be relied upon to follow a client into a dark alley, willingly. Being the weaker sex, they also were anticipated to put up less of a struggle. Each failure to create life from dead or dying body parts was followed by yet another experiment, until the group finally despaired. Were they to have had success, however modest, Jack the Ripper might be with us still today, as at no time did the group feel any compunction to curtail their activities.

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A vivisectionist studies bodies to better understand their function. Unlike a surgeon, a vivisectionist’s goals are not related to healing, but rather to experimentation and knowledge that most people would consider evil.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 11803834
United States
11/18/2012 09:05 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
If you think that shitty movie was good the book will blow your mind.

Especially if you're interested in Masonry...

Alan Moore seems to be a genius. Watchmen depicts ultra-wealthy elitists and experts pulling off a false flag to create a new world order. V for Vendetta obviously. From Hell is all about the architecture of time, Masonry, and the best Ripper conspiracy ever published imo
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 27904344
United States
11/18/2012 09:09 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
stop posting.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12636907

Hmmm...there appears to be one among us!

User ID: 26696239
United States
11/18/2012 09:14 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
I'm still baffled on how this movie even made out to the screens, because it shows acceptance rituals and secret oaths and how high authorities, prominent members of society and royal families are bound together in murderous conspiracies and how they undermine people who make genuine efforts to investigate their crimes, such as the Inspector Frederick Abberline, who are still being discredited by modern writers and researchers of Jack the Ripper's murders, over a hundred years after the crimes.
 Quoting: UndercoverAlien

It was only a movie and you're crazy if you question what professional historians say.

That's why.
 Quoting: NonAlignedEntity

Shill cliche.
 Quoting: UndercoverAlien

Exactamente. You know why.
Overstand, this isn't a sermon from the hill, but a 'Trespassers Will Be Shot' Sign.
User ID: 27753364
United Kingdom
11/18/2012 10:21 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
hi alien i am a big fan of yours dude your doing a great job waking people up got a bit of info for you about from hell you might like, from hell was originally a graphic novel by alan moore in the early 90s, alan moore is a 33rd degree mason and witch he also wrote the watchmen which is about false flag terrorism and he also wrote v for vendeta which shows terrorism on the london underground and taking down of a fascist goverment which was wrote in the 80s. the guy knows stuff and is trying to tell us years ahead of time. he might be worth doing a video about as it all goes back to the masons cheers mate.
User ID: 539408
United Kingdom
11/19/2012 03:07 PM
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Re: I just watched the movie "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and I'm baffled and speechless.
Being a 'Ripperologist' let me assure you that film, although good & stars Johnny Depp, Is a load of B******S.

1 The prince of Wales did not have an affair with a prostitute.

2 Yes Abbaline was only an alcoholic, but, he was not a druggy.

3 Abbaline did not have an affair with a prostitute, his heart was elsewhere engaged.