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Subject the truth about electricity, voltage, n current
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Original Message There is no such thing as an electron. It is just a handy unit of measurement, comparable to a gram, or liter.

Electrical energy in a wire, is simply the wire vibrating at a certain frequency.

The "current" in a wire is the strength of the magnetic field.

The "voltage" in a wire is simply a reference. It means, if you plugged a reference wire into the energy source, that is the strength of the magnetic field you would get.

However, the wire you plug into the energy source will be different. It will have a different resistance, so you will get a magnetic field around the wire of a different strength.
A different current.

So is the universe electrical? Well... the universe consists of motion. Some of that motion occurs in the frequencies we call 'electrical'.

Nothing mystical or complex about any of this. Except that the textbooks are full of lies to confuse people.
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