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Subject ISON hidden in plain sight! Lesson in Video Trickery. ISON is Alive and the answer lies in the threshold of your consciousness/intuition.
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Original Message NASA showed us this [link to s190.photobucket.com]

But what if they'd shown us this? [link to s190.photobucket.com] What would your impression/opinion about ISON be then? ALIVE or DEAD?

Now the real question is…...?

Why couldn't they have done that? That is, show us the cropped image of the perihelion? How did the cameras just happen to be positioned right where ISON fades out at the edges of the field of view of the cameras just as ISON is taking its last gasps of air? How did ISON also manage to do its disappearing act all within the field of view of the cameras and ensured everything is captured within this field? Hmmmm!!! Is ISON intelligent and decided to put on a show for the cameras or did NASA do some wicked Hollywood production with the ISON footage?

What if ISON hadn't faded out at the seams (just as I showed in the cropped image) but the camera couldn't show us some more footage because its out of the cameras' field of view? Wouldn't the whole world still be looking for ISON now? Why couldn't it be that the image NASA showed the world is the one where ISON is still going on strong as I showed in the cropped out section? Why did they have to show us ISON fading away?

Since this is what NASA did i.e. show us ISON fading out of the scene, what has that accomplished? Everyone has gone back to sleep.

NASA is Genius! You must give this to them.

Good ISON vs Bad ISON. Lesson in Video Trickery. ISON is Alive and the answer lies in the threshold of your consciousness/intuition.
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