Original Artwork

Synaesthesia Photography

Daniel Tammet is one of the world's best-known synaesthetes. One of his remarkable abilities? Seeing figures and numbers in colour, endowing them with a texture, with a story and a personality. An original and poetic vision.

The photographer Jerome Tabet wanted to reveal this mysterious and inaccessible world. His photos, abstract and brilliant, freely inspired by Tammet's synaesthesia, push back the borders of mathematical representation and open the doors to a universe in motion, alive, vibrating and cosmic.


Like a big bang, white, shining


A loud, clanging, thunderous number


A bright, round, vibrant number


Falling, fumbling like snowflakes

"Multiplication by Two"

Twos (2, 4, 8, 16 etc.) whirl like fireflies around my mind


Like a black hole, a place to climb into, a retreat from the world


A tall, blue, round number

Images available for sale as limited edition (15 only, each individually numbered) high-quality paper photo reproductions (30 x 45 cm), signed by Daniel Tammet and Jerome Tabet

Other work

Also available for purchase are prints of two of Daniel's number paintings, entitled "Pi Landscape" and "Fifty-Three Times One Hundred Thirty-One". Prints are high-quality limited edition (only 50 of each will be produced) A3 (420 x 297mm), individually numbered and signed by Daniel.


Order online

All artwork featured on this page, as well as a set of 10 postcards (100 x 150 mm) of the "Pi Landscape" painting with printed signature, can be purchased by contacting us.

Have any questions? Feel free to contact us.