
Resonance in Paleo-Sanskrit Inscriptions on the Great Pyramid

Paleo-Sanskrit Gylphs of the Great Pyramid Translated

by Alex Putney for Human-Resonance.org
October 4, 2013

The preeminent work of one of the world's most accomplished linguists, Professor Kurt Schildmann (1909-2005) has disappeared from publication despite his profound completion of the greatest challenge faced in the study of Paleolithic culture worldwide.

During his decades of travels and epigraphic research Schildmann was continually confronted with profoundly disturbing statements among the Illinois Cave archive's Paleo-Sanskrit texts, which repeatedly referred to those strange and prevalent phenomena involving unidentified circular spacecraft, 'alien' abduction, livestock mutilation and deep subterranean bases.

Professor Schildmann's dedication to the translation of ancient hieroglyphic languages culminated in his 1994 recognition of the phonetic structure of Paleo-Sanskrit from the Indus Valley texts, a breakthrough enabling his definitive decipherment of the Indus Valley script, and by extension to the decipherment of the scripts of the Illinois cave archive and Tayos Cave, Ecuador.

Schildmann's ability and willingness to link modern aerial phenomena with the enigmatic statements of ancient cultures has been met with strict suppression. The sole recognition for his achievements were offered by the Midwestern Epigraphic Society (MES) awarding Schildmann the 2007 Barry Fell Award (posthumous):

Kurt Schildmann (Born March 12, 1909, Died April 25, 2005, age 96) is one of the least known but among the best world linguists, etymologists, and translators. He began world traveling early in his life as a teen of 17 under the guidance of older brother Heinrich, to the middle East, India, Thailand, China, Burma and finally reaching Korea after several years. He absorbed as much of the culture and language as a bright-minded youth could. [The MES journal to be published in February of this year has his diary entries of this five-year world trip]. Returning home he studied in France, Spain and then three years in Italy.

His academic life was interrupted when the Wehrmacht desired his presence in World War II on the eastern front where he was wounded and then on the western front where in 1944 he became an American POW. Repatriated, he became an interpreter with the British occupational forces in Germany. By this time he was married and with a young son, Kurt, Jr., who accidentally drowned in Turkey in 1987.

In the 1950s he began a life career as an interpreter and translator for the new German federal government, retiring in 1974. During these years he founded in 1956 the Society of German Linguists, joined the journal 'Synesis' and becoming a lectorate and co-editor, and continued to travel, usually in his own house boat on the major rivers of Europe, the Mediterranean and indeed the planet, studying cultures and languages, especially the origin and relationship to other languages...

In an absurd case reminiscent of Nikola Tesla receiving the Edison Award, government cover-up agent Barry Fell, who himself declared the Illinois artifacts as fakes based on his work, was supported by the MES while Schildmann's aforementioned diary entries were never published. In fact, the MES even managed to publish multiple misspellings of Schildmann's name (first as 'Shildmann' and subsequently 'Schildman'). Professor Schildmann's scholarly excellence and decisive offerings in the field of Paleolithic epigraphy are reasserted here, applying his comprehensive lexicon and cipher key to dozens of Paleo-Sanskrit texts:

This revolutionary prospect of translating the Paleo-Sanskrit writings of the Atlantean culture is inspiring a new generation of linguists and epigraphers of hieroglyphic languages, bringing fresh perspectives that resolve many centuries-old misconceptions concerning their highly advanced scientific knowledge and according geoengineering capabilities that focused the heartbeat of the Earth for human consciousness.

In many parts of the world, archeologists are uncovering this archaic form of Sanskrit now recognized as a precursor to all known languages in every region where they are found. Integration of these most ancient antediluvian texts into the established history of post-cataclysmic cultures enables, for the first time, an accurate recounting of the disrupted condition of planetary resonance as directly identified by Atlantean authors. These rare texts form the basis for a new psychoacoustic interpretation of their works.

Advanced explanations of the divine cyclical influence of the various planets on human consciousness cannot be properly understood without an advanced knowledge of the physics of infrasound standing waves and the function of the Great Pyramid. Complete knowledge of the physics of acoustic resonance required for the comprehension of Atlantean texts was still possessed by the many learned Kings of descendent cultures, as exemplified by the claim of Assyrian King Ashurbanipal inscribed on clay tablets: "I understand the enigmatic writings on the stone tablets from before the Deluge."

'The Deluge' is perhaps a more accurate term for 'The Great Flood' that was documented in the Biblical story concerning Noah's Ark. Astounding physical evidence for this Great Deluge has been uncovered in many parts of the world, but none more exceptional than the actual physical remains of Noah's Ark itself, discovered largely intact on a mountain ridge near Mt. Ararat, in present day Turkey. Several extremely large anchor stones with ancient inscriptions support local knowledge of those events that has been maintained by villagers in those areas where the anchors have lain largely undisturbed for millennia.

Modern scientific evidence for the Deluge has been confirmed in the form of multiple meteorite impacts approximately 12,800 years ago, causing a critical overload of the global Atlantean pyramid network and thereby lowering the entire electromagnetic field of Earth and generating torrential downpours worldwide that raised sea levels drastically and began the era known as the Holocene. The Deluge has also been linked with the global distribution of impact spherules resulting from meteoric bombardment.

Paleo-Sanskrit texts from this remote era reflect the heavy laments of a culture in dissolution due to the "diminished state of granting from the deities", now understood as referencing the measurable reduction of infrasound resonance of the planets of our solar system after the meteoric catastrophe. The intensity level of the planet's infrasonic gravity field not only influences fundamental biorhythms, and thus the consciousness of all living beings on the planet, but this field even determines the quantum fixation of atomic decay properties of all the atoms comprising the planet and all its lifeforms.

A critical diminution of the 33 resonances of planetary infrasound resonance reduces the amount of atmospheric water vapor that can be suspended aloft, causing drastic sea level rise and torrential rains for a period of many months. Sea levels began their rapid rise as the skies blackened with debris and the Atlantic Ocean swallowed an entire continent, leaving boiling waters in its submersive wake.

Casing stones stripped from the faces of the Giza pyramids attest to the destructive wave action that once reach a height of 178m above the current sea level. This surprising fact is further reinforced by the presence of a quite noticeable and well documented layer of sea shells deposited up to great heights on the pyramids and indeed throughout the entire Giza plateau (above). Direct accounts of the resulting state of planetary dissonance from Atlantean survivors themselves constitutes remarkable evidence.

Above the main entrance of the Great Pyramid, four massive relieving stones divert the immense weight piled above the entry passage. Linear geometric patterns formed by joints in the stonework reference the Paleo-Sanskrit glyphs 'kar-as kar-as', meaning 'workings, workings', while the triangular cavity below the giant blocks corresponds to the glyph for 'upama', meaning 'the highest' (below).

These bold geometric architectural features together present a votive passage that was used at aligned sacred sites throughout the world to signify the deep infrasonic resonance of the pyramid structures that powered the global Atlantean civilization. The glyphs embedded in the Great Pyramid's entry façade read:

kar-as kar-as upama
Workings, workings of the highest

This hieroglyphic interpretation of the entry façade is firmly supported by the serial repetition of this phrase in the same vertical glyph series at multiple Atlantean sites around the world, including inscriptions on artifacts from Illinois, US; Caria, Italy; and at the Visoko pyramid in Bosnia. The remarkable consistency of Atlantean Paleo-Sanskrit writings from all continents of the world is only now being recognized.

Sheltered in the intimate triangular niche below the giant relieving stones is a roughly chiseled altar that resembles a small throne (above). The piezoelectric throne's narrow seat is engraved with several Paleo-Sanskrit glyphs that constitute the oldest intact inscription yet identified on the Giza plateau. While the accumulated graffiti of many ages covers most surfaces within the small niche, including the back wall and angled ceiling, the recessed seat has protected the ancient engraved markings for thousands of years. A dark brown patina that was gradually deposited on the stone over the millennia has not been disturbed.

Amateur researchers have made note of the fact that the Great Pyramid niche inscription bares a close resemblance to glyphs embossed on metal debris from the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico vimana disc crash. The Roswell debris texts were first translated by this author in 2007 by applying the Schildmann cipher, yet the Great Pyramid inscription translation is presented here, for the first time.

Amateur and professional epigraphers working without any knowledge of Schildmann's findings have struggled to identify and translate this enigmatic ancient text, yet the careful application of Schildmann's decipherment reflects a profound Vedic bioenergetic science at the heart of the pyramid's prime function. The horizontal row of four glyphs reads from left to right, with the last glyph presenting a combination of two signs that overlap to form a ligature. [Ligatures are separated for clarity in all of the translations.]

This short statement comprises a concise explanation of the main infrasonic function of the Great Pyramid --global infrasonic synchronization of the collective human consciousness, thereby endowing feminine forces: vi Sani raua ra Yoni --"From masculine force, thundering, granting feminine."

Given in simpler terms maintained among Chinese traditions of bioenergetic medicine that would be more easily understood in the present day, the phrase essentially reads: "From Yang, thundering, granting Yin". Yin is the feminine or maternal energy associated with the natural process of biorhythmic synchronization between mother and infant during the period of fetal gestation due to the alignment of the mother's heart with the root chakra of the fetus, which is normally inverted within the womb.

The 'thundering' ultra-low frequency planetary resonance is focused by the three pyramids of the Giza plateau into a precise global mandala pattern that coordinates consciousness at sacred sites worldwide. Infrasound enables direct telepathic communication by tri-thalamic entrainment, linking the pineal gland rhythms of human beings in sacred alignment with what were later referred to as 'The Holy Streams'.

Continue to The Illinois Archive - Part 1

From the book Sanskrit

Copyright 2013-2015 Alexander Putney