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Message Subject The Mark of the Beast is already here, Open your Eyes!
Poster Handle Anonymous Coward
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Mammon is the first Beast of Revelation, the Number is within your financial system. If you haven't yet noticed the mark of the beast is already starting to be found all around the world on money literally. Open your eyes to see what you hold in your hands and what's really on your money, see anything unusual? Remember that no man, woman or child can buy or trade without some kind of financial account or backup, in other words money. Is this not an obvious answer to what the mark of the beast really is? It's right in front of you and you bring it with you everywhere you go, you need it everyday to buy food and necessities to survive. It's the very Monetary system and way of life that the mark stains your soul through.

I say this to you now, the Love of Money and Material things is the Love of the Beast system that controls you and has you right where it wants you. More people love money and are focused on their own success and material things nowadays than ever before. You want that new outfit, you want that to eat, you want to buy this for yourself or buy that, while thousands upon thousands starve to death every single day that don't even have a bite to eat. The Kingdom of the Beast is here; and now you know the Truth.

Woe unto those who mistake evil to be good and good to be evil, they shall reap what they sow and that day cometh that all shall see and I give unto you a warning. The time is at hand, even near at the door, WAKE UP Babylon, ye have fallen to the ground and allowed thine adversary to take you captive.

Babylon the World, your cup has become filthy and is near full, how hast thou allowed thine adversary to overcome you? I say unto you that ye shall see the day soon that that cup will be taken from thee and the filthy water shall pour out, ye shall thirst, hunger and be without comfort. Woe unto those who have neglected the sick, needy and poor and only thought for themselves with greed filled hearts. Your focus is on your own success and materials and it shall all come crumbling down. Ye have built your house upon the sands and the foundation is soft, I say unto thee that the day draws nigh that the tempests, quakes, super storms, great waves of the sea shall come and famine shall have thee. The oceans shall be split and divided, the earth shall tremble and rock to and fro all at once, the sun shall be darkened and the stars will appear fallen as thou hast fallen.

Let the Righteous stand forth and prepare the way, the Angels at the four corners of the earth are ready and WOE unto those who continue in their paths and ways. The reapers even the Angels shall divide thee, one man and woman on the left hand and one man and woman on the right hand. One shall be taken and the other left in that day, with Lightning and Thunder will that day come. All shall fall accept those taken up in the clouds on that day, behold it is upon you and you see it not even now this day. The day is soon at hand and draws nigh, thine adversaries continue to plant subliminal conditioning messages in ways you know not. Throw out thy entertainment systems, watch TV only in wisdom, be wise and prepared for the day is soon at hand. The day will come and it will come when ye least expect it and as a thief in the night truly shall it come.

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 Quoting: LightofChrist 1346516

Hey Brother, beautiful
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