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Message Subject wow my brother and his wife are living a dream life at this point
Poster Handle Anonymous Coward
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he started out as a poor man with no college degree and their prior 7 year relationship was rocky. They lived on the south end of the big city. The relationship hit a low point when he came over drunk(i drove him) and he barged in the door and grabbed her arms to knock some logic in her brain and she tripped backwards and illogically called the police for domestic battery which they resolved fast. From that point it all went up from there....

Not long later he went to college for a diesel mechanic degree while she worked at a hospital. She supported him throughout. They got married right before he graduated. He graduated and quit his job the next day and got hired in at a fortune 500 corporation as a tech worker getting paid $20 an hour. Then he got 3 raises. 22, 25 and now 28 an hour. She got pregnant and last year popped out beautiful twin daughters. A week after they were born, her millionaire aunt bought them a brand new Chevy Equinox.....

Last week they decided to move to their 4th home which would of cost them a 185k. He was fully committed to buying it. Her millionaire aunt stepped in and paid the house off on the spot for them. It's a beautiful country home...

good job, always advancing because hes a smart man. Happy wife. Twins and a 200 k home....Everything paid for. All he has to pay is property taxes. Imagine having a free home and no vehicle payments and ANNNDDD making 60k a year at your job! He also plays the stock market subtly through his companies stocks. His pension is already pretty high as is. It's just amazing how far they've come. They're gonna have all the money in the world for vacations, gadgets education for the girls. Unbelievable.

Of course his wife's sister is depressively jealous that their aunt wont pay her way out of a 100k debt. Fyck her
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1087221

I love how you credit this SMART MAN, when the rich aunt really deserves the credit.

This is how it happens ladies, the credit always goes to the man.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 744051

yeah a drunken wife beater gets a free house!!! yay!!!

-I suppose theres a moral to this story somewheres1dunno1
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