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understanding socialism/communism

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 14117924
11/10/2012 03:02 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
Why does the world have to be this way...?

It makes me sad to think on how much as we as the human race miss out on. But no one wants to work together. No one can live in harmony with eachother and the world.

No one can put aside their differences and think about the bigger picture and what is at stake.

It is sickening of what we have become and what we are doing to eachother, our planet and the inhabitants of Earth. In which we have no right.

It seems as if no one can see what a beatiful gift we have been given. And the true potential of what is at stake. But we are missing the mark in such a big way.

There is so much hate and so much greed.

I can only imagine what it might be like in a world where everyone did what was right for the common good of humanity and the world we live in. No one had to worry about storing up wealth because there was more than enough for everyone to enjoy. No one needed to worry because there was nothing to fear.

Where is the love and compassion for one another...?

We are only here for but a moment. A fragile life. And everyone is tearing eachother apart at the seems. Why...?

Not one of us can take 1 mosal with us when we depart. So why do we think we are owed anything...?

Why does it have to be this way? It is heartbreaking.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16198217

Shut the fuck up and go to work. Ill stay at home and collect money from what you make wacking it to porn all day and playing xbox in my fully furnished apartment your paying for. Thanks, you have GIVEN me a great life while you have to EARN it. Sounds good? Great
 Quoting: FlashMob

And that would make one feel good?

No it doesnt. Everybody want to do something that makes them feel good. Some kind of Job that gives them purpose and social connections.

And by the way the picture you paint isnt realistic.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 16198217
United States
11/10/2012 03:06 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
I never said you had to agree with me. Your entitled to your own opinion. It's cool. I undersdtand.

User ID: 8620349
United States
11/10/2012 03:14 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
You people dont get it. No one gives a fuck about you or the person next to you. I dont. I do what i need to survive and live comfortably. Why cant you do the same? Why do you think that anyone cares what you do, how you feel or how you think. They want money and any way they can get it they will. Even if it means voting OBAMA. Its now dubbed from yours personally as "OBAMANOMICS"
 Quoting: FlashMob

I'm Really Drunk right now.

that's the best you tards can come up with?


User ID: 8479526
11/10/2012 03:23 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
Another illinformed tard thread.

Believe what you want op, if it makes you feel better to think that universal healthcare or a comprehensive welfare system is wrong perhaps you should sit and think what also makes a good Christian, I'm sure it doesn't involve leaving your fellow man to choke on his own misfortune.
Elements of socialism are desirable IMHO, the u.s practices communism everytime it subsidises it farmers...just saying.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able, and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

~Epicurus 33 A.D

I am being held down by four greys as i type this

~ Florence 2015 A.D
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 26620293
United States
11/10/2012 03:25 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
You are in a class.
You study really hard.
You get an A.
Other kids in the class get C's D's and fail.
The teacher says, gee, I feel really sorry for those who didn't do well...
I'm gonna give everyone A's.

This is what you voted in.

The flunkies are gonna get freebies because it's what democrat means....

You lose if you were the one getting the A's and working hard.

You win if you were the loser, druggie, and anyone who couldn't hold a job or get one...

Thank Obama.

He's giving you the A.

Oh yeah and the free cell phone....

Those who got A's, guess what? You're paying for those flunkies cell phones and their cell data plan and their food and their school!

Oh yeah, you have to work, but they don't!!!

Stupid youth.
Get what you voted in.
Stupid idiots....
 Quoting: think about it 17868616


User ID: 8620349
United States
11/10/2012 03:30 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
Another illinformed tard thread.

Believe what you want op, if it makes you feel better to think that universal healthcare or a comprehensive welfare system is wrong perhaps you should sit and think what also makes a good Christian, I'm sure it doesn't involve leaving your fellow man to choke on his own misfortune.
Elements of socialism are desirable IMHO, the u.s practices communism everytime it subsidises it farmers...just saying.
 Quoting: optimusprimate


Hitler was a collectivist

same as you

same as Big Brother/Sis DHS.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 26223536
United States
11/10/2012 03:32 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
we have socialism for the poor
communism for the middle class
and capitalism for the rich
its easy to understand
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 03:35 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
1) While USA whithers with terrible education, low to zero retirement prospects for the 20-30year old workers.. And, uh, a financial system that recently took down the rest of the world's with it.... In Europe, a place where most countries are some form of 'Democratic Socialism', or similar socialistic systems with capitalistic elements and generally well regulated freemarkets, they have:
1) Public Healthcare
2) Universal Retirement
3) REAL unemployment
4) REAL Immigration control (to protect their benies)
5) Higher Education\Training for all students (with stipend so students\parents can make it happen)

2) NONE of this is 'communism' - it is a social system mostly - they use a capitalism with regualtions for everything else.. ALL OF Europe is like my above.

SOO - before you smart guys say" GREECE IS FAILING!!!!" Like that somehow negates the above facts. REMEMBER:

After greece is done recovering from the financial disaster WE caused them (after all, their debt ratio IS lower than outs) - they will STILL HAVE those things above - and we will still not have them.

We are lost. We pay the same tax as Canadians, yet they get almost all, or all, of the list above...

All our tax goes to is CORPORATE WELFARE.

We cannot have unregulated 'free markets' - sorry - cash and power distort the markets.. Everyone with their simplistic and breathless obsession over friendman's 'free market'. SORRY FOLKS - monopolies, unending mergers, etc... We now know what that looks like....

I see some of you asking 'where are the libs' - I hate to say it - it is VERY CLEAR there is almost no real understanding of the ISMS being discussed - you guys are barely worth responding to.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 03:39 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
Question: How can a country with, by far, the worst 'wealth inequality' in the west be considered 'Socialist' or Collectivist in any way?

Sorry guys. Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

Its FUCKING RETARDED to continue this socilism rant.

It wasnt true or logical in the 1950s, and it isnt now.


User ID: 8620349
United States
11/10/2012 03:43 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
Question: How can a country with, by far, the worst 'wealth inequality' in the west be considered 'Socialist' or Collectivist in any way?

Sorry guys. Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

Its FUCKING RETARDED to continue this socilism rant.

It wasnt true or logical in the 1950s, and it isnt now.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

So..state run everything is the answer?

is that what you're saying?

How exactly will the Gooberment make things better?
I Ban Thee

User ID: 21926529
United States
11/10/2012 03:44 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism

Good boy! I expect you'll be setting the "Republicans"

straight about their NeoCon Liberalism?

If so, more power to ya.
 Quoting: I Ban Thee

Tea Party ruined that party. Its sad. Hooked onto Ayn Rand and never looked back. Children.
 Quoting: L | b e R T a R | a N ???

Keep in mind the "Tea Party" originated as a disorganized

group of people that were finally seeing The Light.

What everyone calls the Tea Party was made up of mostly

Conservatives (but some open minded Liberals also) who

realized they were being had.

They Tea Party was targeted immediately by the Liberal

Right wingers who wanted to be anointed "Leader" of the

Tea Party movement... Sarah (Tina Fey) Palin and even

Glenn ("yep, I'm a Neocon") Beck, among others.

We need to ATTRACT True Conservatives (such as yourself)

into an unlabeled "party" - somehow, some way. I see no

other alternative. Call them Republicans, Libertarians,

Paultards or whatever, but if they/we don't come under one

banner, we, the Conservatives are in deep deep doo doo.
 Quoting: I Ban Thee

imo you gotta be REALISTIC when it comes to the tea party.

Palin is/was a certifiable idiot.

MANY on the right supported/endorsed the idiocy.

it made the Tea Party "idiots forever" in the brians of Morans.

simple as that
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

You're right of course, but we need to help them see The

Light. How many Tea Party, Republican and Democrats have

never heard anything but what Main Stream Propaganda

puts out? You can't fault THEM for being brainwashed.

We've all been there.

User ID: 15687770
United States
11/10/2012 03:45 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
we have socialism for the poor
communism for the middle class
and capitalism for the rich
its easy to understand
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26223536

What's so bad about communism?
:bushhitler:hitler:history:kim crapdrevil

Last Edited by Don't read this. on 11/10/2012 03:51 AM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 03:47 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
Question: How can a country with, by far, the worst 'wealth inequality' in the west be considered 'Socialist' or Collectivist in any way?

Sorry guys. Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

Its FUCKING RETARDED to continue this socilism rant.

It wasnt true or logical in the 1950s, and it isnt now.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

So..state run everything is the answer?

is that what you're saying?

How exactly will the Gooberment make things better?
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

NO DUDE. I am saying this premis you have been ranting about for 7 pages of empty high-fiving and illogicla rguments IS WRONG.



We have a VERY TINY welfare state - it is less than 6% of our tax money a year - by far the most tax $ goes to war.... education is only like 10%...

in a real socialistic country, the majority of money goes to education, healthcare, pensions, etc... there isnt so much left over for war.. so they dont go to war like we do.


This means the people who see socialism in our current fucking corporatist NIGHTMARE of a fucking anti-worker, anti-citizens, ANTI-SOCIETY...

I Ban Thee

User ID: 21926529
United States
11/10/2012 03:52 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
1) While USA whithers with terrible education, low to zero retirement prospects for the 20-30year old workers.. And, uh, a financial system that recently took down the rest of the world's with it.... In Europe, a place where most countries are some form of 'Democratic Socialism', or similar socialistic systems with capitalistic elements and generally well regulated freemarkets, they have:
1) Public Healthcare
2) Universal Retirement
3) REAL unemployment
4) REAL Immigration control (to protect their benies)
5) Higher Education\Training for all students (with stipend so students\parents can make it happen)

2) NONE of this is 'communism' - it is a social system mostly - they use a capitalism with regualtions for everything else.. ALL OF Europe is like my above.

SOO - before you smart guys say" GREECE IS FAILING!!!!" Like that somehow negates the above facts. REMEMBER:

After greece is done recovering from the financial disaster WE caused them (after all, their debt ratio IS lower than outs) - they will STILL HAVE those things above - and we will still not have them.

We are lost. We pay the same tax as Canadians, yet they get almost all, or all, of the list above...

All our tax goes to is CORPORATE WELFARE.

We cannot have unregulated 'free markets' - sorry - cash and power distort the markets.. Everyone with their simplistic and breathless obsession over friendman's 'free market'. SORRY FOLKS - monopolies, unending mergers, etc... We now know what that looks like....

I see some of you asking 'where are the libs' - I hate to say it - it is VERY CLEAR there is almost no real understanding of the ISMS being discussed - you guys are barely worth responding to.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

Socialism can appear attractive for a while but it is

doomed to fail.

(Western) Europe is years ahead of the USA in implemented

Socialism. A few of the small countries appear to be

doing "OK". The rest are mired in debt and reeling from

uncontrolled Immigration and Big Brother tyranny.

I dread the thought of the USA becoming anywhere NEAR as

Socialist as Europe.

Socialist European countries are a heartbeat away from

complete tyranny and on the threshold of Communism.

User ID: 8620349
United States
11/10/2012 03:54 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
Question: How can a country with, by far, the worst 'wealth inequality' in the west be considered 'Socialist' or Collectivist in any way?

Sorry guys. Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

Its FUCKING RETARDED to continue this socilism rant.

It wasnt true or logical in the 1950s, and it isnt now.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

So..state run everything is the answer?

is that what you're saying?

How exactly will the Gooberment make things better?
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

NO DUDE. I am saying this premis you have been ranting about for 7 pages of empty high-fiving and illogicla rguments IS WRONG.



We have a VERY TINY welfare state - it is less than 6% of our tax money a year - by far the most tax $ goes to war.... education is only like 10%...

in a real socialistic country, the majority of money goes to education, healthcare, pensions, etc... there isnt so much left over for war.. so they dont go to war like we do.


This means the people who see socialism in our current fucking corporatist NIGHTMARE of a fucking anti-worker, anti-citizens, ANTI-SOCIETY...

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

what a bunch of bs

the demoncraps are renowned for their socialist/commie connections.

YOU are FULL of it
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 03:58 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
1) While USA whithers with terrible education, low to zero retirement prospects for the 20-30year old workers.. And, uh, a financial system that recently took down the rest of the world's with it.... In Europe, a place where most countries are some form of 'Democratic Socialism', or similar socialistic systems with capitalistic elements and generally well regulated freemarkets, they have:
1) Public Healthcare
2) Universal Retirement
3) REAL unemployment
4) REAL Immigration control (to protect their benies)
5) Higher Education\Training for all students (with stipend so students\parents can make it happen)

2) NONE of this is 'communism' - it is a social system mostly - they use a capitalism with regualtions for everything else.. ALL OF Europe is like my above.

SOO - before you smart guys say" GREECE IS FAILING!!!!" Like that somehow negates the above facts. REMEMBER:

After greece is done recovering from the financial disaster WE caused them (after all, their debt ratio IS lower than outs) - they will STILL HAVE those things above - and we will still not have them.

We are lost. We pay the same tax as Canadians, yet they get almost all, or all, of the list above...

All our tax goes to is CORPORATE WELFARE.

We cannot have unregulated 'free markets' - sorry - cash and power distort the markets.. Everyone with their simplistic and breathless obsession over friendman's 'free market'. SORRY FOLKS - monopolies, unending mergers, etc... We now know what that looks like....

I see some of you asking 'where are the libs' - I hate to say it - it is VERY CLEAR there is almost no real understanding of the ISMS being discussed - you guys are barely worth responding to.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

Socialism can appear attractive for a while but it is

doomed to fail.

(Western) Europe is years ahead of the USA in implemented

Socialism. A few of the small countries appear to be

doing "OK". The rest are mired in debt and reeling from

uncontrolled Immigration and Big Brother tyranny.

I dread the thought of the USA becoming anywhere NEAR as

Socialist as Europe.

Socialist European countries are a heartbeat away from

complete tyranny and on the threshold of Communism.
 Quoting: I Ban Thee

Your responses make no sense at all.

1) Western europe has heatlchare, education, pensions, and unemployment for all citizens.. REAL version of it- not this BS we have. None of these countries call themselves 'socialist'. I dont say we should be socialist..

2) Almost the entire western world laughs at us - we pay tax rates similar to many in these other countries, but we GET NOTHING for our pride and refusal to face facts.

3) uncontrolled immigration? I am afraid you are seeing REFUGEES - and not that many over all - and any country with a lot of them comming in - IT IS FOR THE FUCKING RICH PEOPLE TO REPLACE OTHERS AND TRY TO GET SOME USA STYLE 500-2500 times the average income.. Do you see?

4) This argument about 'communism'... Its infantile at best when you dont say why you think this? There is no reason to think that... You dont even know what communism is, or was like in various countries, do you? HINT: In a real communist country, pro citizen and pro worker and pro state propaganda are common.. All we get in USA is ANTI Worker and Anti Citizen.

You guys are hopeless. As soon as it is shown that in a country where 80% of the people share 4% of the wealth(usa) - you change the argument to 'well.. socialism is bad!' when - DUDES. Wakeup! Uncontrolled monopolies and a corupt 'free market' is FUCKING BAD.

Less than 4% of the yearly wealth - and 80% of our country lives on that.

you guys have all been indoctrinated by corporate propaganda.. its pathetic.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 04:00 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
Question: How can a country with, by far, the worst 'wealth inequality' in the west be considered 'Socialist' or Collectivist in any way?

Sorry guys. Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

Its FUCKING RETARDED to continue this socilism rant.

It wasnt true or logical in the 1950s, and it isnt now.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

So..state run everything is the answer?

is that what you're saying?

How exactly will the Gooberment make things better?
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

NO DUDE. I am saying this premis you have been ranting about for 7 pages of empty high-fiving and illogicla rguments IS WRONG.



We have a VERY TINY welfare state - it is less than 6% of our tax money a year - by far the most tax $ goes to war.... education is only like 10%...

in a real socialistic country, the majority of money goes to education, healthcare, pensions, etc... there isnt so much left over for war.. so they dont go to war like we do.


This means the people who see socialism in our current fucking corporatist NIGHTMARE of a fucking anti-worker, anti-citizens, ANTI-SOCIETY...

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

what a bunch of bs

the demoncraps are renowned for their socialist/commie connections.

YOU are FULL of it
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

I dont see how your response addresses this issue... The dems are NOT socialists.. It isnt even remotely true... Dont you get it yet? The two party dynamic is ONLY FOR THE RICH MEN AND THEIR FUCKING BANKS.

Socialism.. I cannot belive, even with knowledge that 80% of us live on 4% of the wealth, it leaves any room for 'socialism'.....
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 19286573
11/10/2012 04:03 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
You people dont get it. No one gives a fuck about you or the person next to you. I dont. I do what i need to survive and live comfortably. Why cant you do the same? Why do you think that anyone cares what you do, how you feel or how you think. They want money and any way they can get it they will. Even if it means voting OBAMA. Its now dubbed from yours personally as "OBAMANOMICS"
 Quoting: FlashMob

that means you don't give a fuck about yourself because we are all one
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 04:05 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
You people dont get it. No one gives a fuck about you or the person next to you. I dont. I do what i need to survive and live comfortably. Why cant you do the same? Why do you think that anyone cares what you do, how you feel or how you think. They want money and any way they can get it they will. Even if it means voting OBAMA. Its now dubbed from yours personally as "OBAMANOMICS"
 Quoting: FlashMob

that means you don't give a fuck about yourself because we are all one
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19286573

two blocks of paved road cost more than that poster will earn in their entire life....

What we are seeing here is pure unadulterated corporate indoctrination.

There is only one single group that this rhetoric shown here could possibly come from: the fucking bankers.

THEY have been working he right wing lower-classes for some time - and they, with the internet, have finally perfected playing these people like a fiddle..

With ZERO evidence of USA socialism - they still rant endlessly about their imnaginary boogeyman... While the Bankers up their interest rates.
I Ban Thee

User ID: 21926529
United States
11/10/2012 04:07 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism
1) While USA whithers with terrible education, low to zero retirement prospects for the 20-30year old workers.. And, uh, a financial system that recently took down the rest of the world's with it.... In Europe, a place where most countries are some form of 'Democratic Socialism', or similar socialistic systems with capitalistic elements and generally well regulated freemarkets, they have:
1) Public Healthcare
2) Universal Retirement
3) REAL unemployment
4) REAL Immigration control (to protect their benies)
5) Higher Education\Training for all students (with stipend so students\parents can make it happen)

2) NONE of this is 'communism' - it is a social system mostly - they use a capitalism with regualtions for everything else.. ALL OF Europe is like my above.

SOO - before you smart guys say" GREECE IS FAILING!!!!" Like that somehow negates the above facts. REMEMBER:

After greece is done recovering from the financial disaster WE caused them (after all, their debt ratio IS lower than outs) - they will STILL HAVE those things above - and we will still not have them.

We are lost. We pay the same tax as Canadians, yet they get almost all, or all, of the list above...

All our tax goes to is CORPORATE WELFARE.

We cannot have unregulated 'free markets' - sorry - cash and power distort the markets.. Everyone with their simplistic and breathless obsession over friendman's 'free market'. SORRY FOLKS - monopolies, unending mergers, etc... We now know what that looks like....

I see some of you asking 'where are the libs' - I hate to say it - it is VERY CLEAR there is almost no real understanding of the ISMS being discussed - you guys are barely worth responding to.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

Socialism can appear attractive for a while but it is

doomed to fail.

(Western) Europe is years ahead of the USA in implemented

Socialism. A few of the small countries appear to be

doing "OK". The rest are mired in debt and reeling from

uncontrolled Immigration and Big Brother tyranny.

I dread the thought of the USA becoming anywhere NEAR as

Socialist as Europe.

Socialist European countries are a heartbeat away from

complete tyranny and on the threshold of Communism.
 Quoting: I Ban Thee

Your responses make no sense at all.

1) Western europe has heatlchare, education, pensions, and unemployment for all citizens.. REAL version of it- not this BS we have. None of these countries call themselves 'socialist'. I dont say we should be socialist..

2) Almost the entire western world laughs at us - we pay tax rates similar to many in these other countries, but we GET NOTHING for our pride and refusal to face facts.

3) uncontrolled immigration? I am afraid you are seeing REFUGEES - and not that many over all - and any country with a lot of them comming in - IT IS FOR THE FUCKING RICH PEOPLE TO REPLACE OTHERS AND TRY TO GET SOME USA STYLE 500-2500 times the average income.. Do you see?

4) This argument about 'communism'... Its infantile at best when you dont say why you think this? There is no reason to think that... You dont even know what communism is, or was like in various countries, do you? HINT: In a real communist country, pro citizen and pro worker and pro state propaganda are common.. All we get in USA is ANTI Worker and Anti Citizen.

You guys are hopeless. As soon as it is shown that in a country where 80% of the people share 4% of the wealth(usa) - you change the argument to 'well.. socialism is bad!' when - DUDES. Wakeup! Uncontrolled monopolies and a corupt 'free market' is FUCKING BAD.

Less than 4% of the yearly wealth - and 80% of our country lives on that.

you guys have all been indoctrinated by corporate propaganda.. its pathetic.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

You're playing with semantics here. I call Europe's

countries Socialism, and ours is "creeping Socialism", but

whatever you call it, it's a planned destruction of the

Middle Class. Immigration is about nothing but destruction

of the middle class.

Socialism is the precursor of Communism... but OK, let's

not call it Communism, let's call it what it really is,


You seem to be rooting for the abolition of the Republic.

You seem to think that "spreading the wealth" differently

will make this country as wonderful as... Britain? France?

The Netherlands or Sweden?

What form of government is your favorite?
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 04:12 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism

You're playing with semantics here. I call Europe's

countries Socialism, and ours is "creeping Socialism", but

whatever you call it, it's a planned destruction of the

Middle Class. Immigration is about nothing but destruction

of the middle class.

Socialism is the precursor of Communism... but OK, let's

not call it Communism, let's call it what it really is,


You seem to be rooting for the abolition of the Republic.

You seem to think that "spreading the wealth" differently

will make this country as wonderful as... Britain? France?

The Netherlands or Sweden?

What form of government is your favorite?



Socialism IS NOT the "percursor to communism" - that is FUCKING IDIOTIC. It makes no sense and is not true....

I want to yell "SHILL" at you - because the only people who can benefit from our misery is the BANKERS and large corporations...


The masses have lost 60% of their already pathetic 8.7% share...

Its not socialism we are seeing - it is the bankers trying to ruin our society to buy up even more of our property.

User ID: 8620349
United States
11/10/2012 04:18 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism

So..state run everything is the answer?

is that what you're saying?

How exactly will the Gooberment make things better?
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

NO DUDE. I am saying this premis you have been ranting about for 7 pages of empty high-fiving and illogicla rguments IS WRONG.



We have a VERY TINY welfare state - it is less than 6% of our tax money a year - by far the most tax $ goes to war.... education is only like 10%...

in a real socialistic country, the majority of money goes to education, healthcare, pensions, etc... there isnt so much left over for war.. so they dont go to war like we do.


This means the people who see socialism in our current fucking corporatist NIGHTMARE of a fucking anti-worker, anti-citizens, ANTI-SOCIETY...

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

what a bunch of bs

the demoncraps are renowned for their socialist/commie connections.

YOU are FULL of it
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

I dont see how your response addresses this issue... The dems are NOT socialists.. It isnt even remotely true... Dont you get it yet? The two party dynamic is ONLY FOR THE RICH MEN AND THEIR FUCKING BANKS.

Socialism.. I cannot belive, even with knowledge that 80% of us live on 4% of the wealth, it leaves any room for 'socialism'.....
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

Assuming your figures are true it would be the slippery slope towards communism. No doubt it's been happening for awhile (gradually since the 50's)

Capitalism is what made this country great.

even dear leader says so!

socialism is gradually creeping in and will fully be implemented in conjunction w/climate change /agenda 21

Agenda 21 will make thousandaires/ millionaires into billionaires depending on who's NAZI ASS you kiss!

who could resist? devil6

SELLING their SOUL to the NWO?
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 04:23 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism

NO DUDE. I am saying this premis you have been ranting about for 7 pages of empty high-fiving and illogicla rguments IS WRONG.



We have a VERY TINY welfare state - it is less than 6% of our tax money a year - by far the most tax $ goes to war.... education is only like 10%...

in a real socialistic country, the majority of money goes to education, healthcare, pensions, etc... there isnt so much left over for war.. so they dont go to war like we do.


This means the people who see socialism in our current fucking corporatist NIGHTMARE of a fucking anti-worker, anti-citizens, ANTI-SOCIETY...

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

what a bunch of bs

the demoncraps are renowned for their socialist/commie connections.

YOU are FULL of it
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

I dont see how your response addresses this issue... The dems are NOT socialists.. It isnt even remotely true... Dont you get it yet? The two party dynamic is ONLY FOR THE RICH MEN AND THEIR FUCKING BANKS.

Socialism.. I cannot belive, even with knowledge that 80% of us live on 4% of the wealth, it leaves any room for 'socialism'.....
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

Assuming your figures are true it would be the slippery slope towards communism. No doubt it's been happening for awhile (gradually since the 50's)

Capitalism is what made this country great.

even dear leader says so!

socialism is gradually creeping in and will fully be implemented in conjunction w/climate change /agenda 21

Agenda 21 will make thousandaires/ millionaires into billionaires depending on who's NAZI ASS you kiss!

who could resist? devil6

SELLING their SOUL to the NWO?
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

We are NOT on a slippery slope to communism - we are not remotely communistic, nor are we a socialist country. We have anti-worker, anti-citizen, anti-human policies which only re-inforce the status quo: bankers and large corporations and the idle rich.

Here are some numbers.

Financial (Non-Home) Wealth
Top 1 percent Next 19 percent Bottom 80 percent
1983 42.9% 48.4% 8.7%
2010 42.1% 53.5% 4.7%
2012 - The numbers are not on that chart, but its like 3.6% now....

Again. This country used to have a top tax rate of over 78%, no capital gains gimmick, no SS cap for the rich, etc.

We are getting taken by THE BANKERS and CORPORATIONS...

[link to www2.ucsc.edu]

User ID: 27300308
11/10/2012 04:26 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism






These dayz through THA REAL RAP (element of hip-hop)--------------------------------------EACH ONE TEACH ONE----------------------------------------P.OSiTiVE
-> (THERE iS NO REAL RAP ON TV or RADiOs) <- ----------------------------------------------------NO JUSTICE----------------------------------------------E​.NERGY
is the only way youths listen to--------------------------------------------------------​------------------------JUST US---------------------------------------A.CTiVATES
t​he Prophets !!! ------------------------------------"..artificial physical material posessions posses you-------------------------------------------------------​-C.ONSTANT
----------------------------------------------------------​-------------------you are your own self rescue-----------------------------------------------------​-------E.LEVATiON
PROOF -> 'CAN YOU CATCH iT???' --------------------------------------GOD BLESS YOU " [link to www.youtube.com] ----------------------------

remembah: FEAR iS THA MiND-KiLLAH [link to www.youtube.com]

separation is the ego's greatest politRick-------------------------------------------------​----------------------------------------
[link to www.youtube.com]

CONTROL YOUR OWN THOUGHT PATTERNS ! Do NOT allow to be controlled ! --------------------
-------------------------------------​-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- SELF-DESTRUCTION IS THA POWA
LiGHT = iNFORMATiON ;D ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------​--- WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THE FUNCTION IS !!!!
------------------------------------------------------​-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- [link to www.youtube.com]
peace2daUNIVERSE------------------- There's NO MYSTERiES, ONLY KNOWLEDGE & iGNORANCE ----------------- SAD TO SEE MEDICINE DIVORCE MORALITY... ;/
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 04:27 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism






 Quoting: ExTraDimensionaL777

This shit is obnoxious... What is with all this colorful BS on your post? What is all that trash?

All that crap and color - and that is all you have to say?

It isnt productive or useful...... Why did you bother?

And, dude, clean up your posts - its like 15 lines of garbage.

User ID: 25827932
11/10/2012 04:27 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism

when I was a kid, we had school soccer game championships, or the end of the year olympics, this in elementary school.

I was the fastest sprinter in class, I was the go to guy on Relay, 50m dash, and 100m dash, the kids would chant my name before the race b/c I won every year, it made me feel like something,, and gave me some pride and spirit... You got a blue ribbon for first, red ribbon for second, yellow ribbon for third.

I only ever had blue or red, and I TRIED HARD for that shit, every year, only to beat everyone each time, it taught me to strive, and be the best..

Nowadays,, in the elementary schools, everyone gets a blue ribbon, for "participating"...

well, I'll just sit there with my thumb up my ass I guess, just gimme my ribbon..

That is socialism to me, as I would tell it to an elementary school student..

And they do this to indoctrinate, and have been doing it now for who knows how long..

what a crock of shit, ,,, why bother to strive??
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16678904

maybe the libs could understand it this way??

Maybe with a little puppet show, they could get it. I tried to dumb it down to something they'd understand, like, a 10 year old... That SHOULD work but, never know.
I am so sick of smug self satisfied bigoted people. You think that everyone with a different viewpoint is stupid. I understand everything that you are talking about I'm not thick headed, but you make out like every liberal type stopped thinking when they were six.
We should reward people that try hard and work to achieve things, they should get opportunities and paid well for excelling, but we have to take a broader scope on success. The reason that "everyone gets a ribbon" is because everyone is doing the best for them. If people want to succeed they have to do the work and create their own results if they want to be rewarded, but we have to realize that not everyone is the "best" or given the circumstances to be the best. This worship of competition and oneupmanship is getting crazy. Who do you want on your team the best or the best team player.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16678904

Ummm Just because your part of it doesn't mean your playing dumbass. I work 60 hours a week and make damn good money for my time. Aaaannnnd someone I know collects unemployment and doesn't plan on finding a job until that runs out. Why would he? Get the drift? :) How is that being a team player? DUMBASS!!!!
 Quoting: Really?really?

Your making allot of assumptions there happy guy. I plant trees, often more than 60 hours a week, and I make good if not fantastic money, about $6000 a month. I'm willing to believe you work hard, but trust me or research planting, it is a hard working job, one of the hardest, I can pretty confidently claim I work as hard as you. I dont plant trees in the winter, so I work other jobs, one's that make me allot less. But trust me I work. I pay taxes and I use services and spend money in my community. If I am collecting $800 dollars of supplemental income, income that I paid my premiums on, for 5 months, does that make me a leach, or selfish? I have planted for some time now and many years have not collected EI. But when I dont I dont bitch about other guys on Unemployment, because I know they will have my back when Im laid off.We all pay in and we all benefit when we need it. Your working, but imagine being unemployed even if you had benefits, it would probably drive you nuts. Because guys like you and me have WORK ETHIC. Were happy to try and like to succeed. Just because I believe in a social net doesn't mean Im lazy. Though I might still be a dumbass.
I Ban Thee

User ID: 21926529
United States
11/10/2012 04:31 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism

You're playing with semantics here. I call Europe's

countries Socialism, and ours is "creeping Socialism", but

whatever you call it, it's a planned destruction of the

Middle Class. Immigration is about nothing but destruction

of the middle class.

Socialism is the precursor of Communism... but OK, let's

not call it Communism, let's call it what it really is,


You seem to be rooting for the abolition of the Republic.

You seem to think that "spreading the wealth" differently

will make this country as wonderful as... Britain? France?

The Netherlands or Sweden?

What form of government is your favorite?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512



Socialism IS NOT the "percursor to communism" - that is FUCKING IDIOTIC. It makes no sense and is not true....

I want to yell "SHILL" at you - because the only people who can benefit from our misery is the BANKERS and large corporations...


The masses have lost 60% of their already pathetic 8.7% share...

Its not socialism we are seeing - it is the bankers trying to ruin our society to buy up even more of our property.

The point being, I don't CARE what you call it, we are

being forced headlong into Tyranny! You do see that, right?

It just looks to me that you are so wrapped up in

percentages and definitions that you are providing support

for what neither one of us (or ANYone I know) wants -

Tyranny. I like to call Tyranny "Communism" because

Communists have historically been the WORST tyrants.

I like to call Liberalism "Socialism", but that's just me.

There are many everyday working people on GLP, and

ranting about GNP percentages etc., is not what we relate

easily to.

So relax, cheer up and maybe we can ALL agree on something,

like 'Tyranny is Bad'.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 04:35 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism

You're playing with semantics here. I call Europe's

countries Socialism, and ours is "creeping Socialism", but

whatever you call it, it's a planned destruction of the

Middle Class. Immigration is about nothing but destruction

of the middle class.

Socialism is the precursor of Communism... but OK, let's

not call it Communism, let's call it what it really is,


You seem to be rooting for the abolition of the Republic.

You seem to think that "spreading the wealth" differently

will make this country as wonderful as... Britain? France?

The Netherlands or Sweden?

What form of government is your favorite?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512



Socialism IS NOT the "percursor to communism" - that is FUCKING IDIOTIC. It makes no sense and is not true....

I want to yell "SHILL" at you - because the only people who can benefit from our misery is the BANKERS and large corporations...


The masses have lost 60% of their already pathetic 8.7% share...

Its not socialism we are seeing - it is the bankers trying to ruin our society to buy up even more of our property.
 Quoting: I Ban Thee

The point being, I don't CARE what you call it, we are

being forced headlong into Tyranny! You do see that, right?

It just looks to me that you are so wrapped up in

percentages and definitions that you are providing support

for what neither one of us (or ANYone I know) wants -

Tyranny. I like to call Tyranny "Communism" because

Communists have historically been the WORST tyrants.

I like to call Liberalism "Socialism", but that's just me.

There are many everyday working people on GLP, and

ranting about GNP percentages etc., is not what we relate

easily to.

So relax, cheer up and maybe we can ALL agree on something,

like 'Tyranny is Bad'.

Your desire to use loaded words and misunderstand history, social and economic systems, and our current situation - then go ahead and use these 'shorthands' you describe.

Because man - I gotta say - if we used your reckoning, the entire country would just matter of factly call the republicans the Nazis, and the democrats wing the Fascists..

Leftists are generally 'socialist' - bu, big secret here: in all of the western world except USA, the citizens get something for their tax contributions other than endless war for corporate profit.

Stop this stuff - you dont 'like to call socia... ' you have been indoctrinated by sophisticated propaganda that is aimed at right wingers on these message boards.

User ID: 8620349
United States
11/10/2012 04:35 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism

what a bunch of bs

the demoncraps are renowned for their socialist/commie connections.

YOU are FULL of it
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

I dont see how your response addresses this issue... The dems are NOT socialists.. It isnt even remotely true... Dont you get it yet? The two party dynamic is ONLY FOR THE RICH MEN AND THEIR FUCKING BANKS.

Socialism.. I cannot belive, even with knowledge that 80% of us live on 4% of the wealth, it leaves any room for 'socialism'.....
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

Assuming your figures are true it would be the slippery slope towards communism. No doubt it's been happening for awhile (gradually since the 50's)

Capitalism is what made this country great.

even dear leader says so!

socialism is gradually creeping in and will fully be implemented in conjunction w/climate change /agenda 21

Agenda 21 will make thousandaires/ millionaires into billionaires depending on who's NAZI ASS you kiss!

who could resist? devil6

SELLING their SOUL to the NWO?
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

We are NOT on a slippery slope to communism - we are not remotely communistic, nor are we a socialist country. We have anti-worker, anti-citizen, anti-human policies which only re-inforce the status quo: bankers and large corporations and the idle rich.

Here are some numbers.

Financial (Non-Home) Wealth
Top 1 percent Next 19 percent Bottom 80 percent
1983 42.9% 48.4% 8.7%
2010 42.1% 53.5% 4.7%
2012 - The numbers are not on that chart, but its like 3.6% now....

Again. This country used to have a top tax rate of over 78%, no capital gains gimmick, no SS cap for the rich, etc.

We are getting taken by THE BANKERS and CORPORATIONS...

[link to www2.ucsc.edu]
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

your stupidity is mind boggling

Glenn Beck PROVED it months ago


libtard NAZI's like you are despicable
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 3940512
United States
11/10/2012 04:38 AM
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Re: understanding socialism/communism

Since 1983, the "lower 80%" of americans have lost 60% of their wealth. From 8.7% of the yearly wealth in 1983 to less than 4% now.

In that same time 'the upper 1%' have had their share of the wealth MORE THAN DOUBLE - in just 30 years - to something like 80% of the wealth..

AGAIN: HOW can a country in which 80% of people share just 4% of the yearly wealth be Communist or socialist?

I dont see how your response addresses this issue... The dems are NOT socialists.. It isnt even remotely true... Dont you get it yet? The two party dynamic is ONLY FOR THE RICH MEN AND THEIR FUCKING BANKS.

Socialism.. I cannot belive, even with knowledge that 80% of us live on 4% of the wealth, it leaves any room for 'socialism'.....
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

Assuming your figures are true it would be the slippery slope towards communism. No doubt it's been happening for awhile (gradually since the 50's)

Capitalism is what made this country great.

even dear leader says so!

socialism is gradually creeping in and will fully be implemented in conjunction w/climate change /agenda 21

Agenda 21 will make thousandaires/ millionaires into billionaires depending on who's NAZI ASS you kiss!

who could resist? devil6

SELLING their SOUL to the NWO?
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

We are NOT on a slippery slope to communism - we are not remotely communistic, nor are we a socialist country. We have anti-worker, anti-citizen, anti-human policies which only re-inforce the status quo: bankers and large corporations and the idle rich.

Here are some numbers.

Financial (Non-Home) Wealth
Top 1 percent Next 19 percent Bottom 80 percent
1983 42.9% 48.4% 8.7%
2010 42.1% 53.5% 4.7%
2012 - The numbers are not on that chart, but its like 3.6% now....

Again. This country used to have a top tax rate of over 78%, no capital gains gimmick, no SS cap for the rich, etc.

We are getting taken by THE BANKERS and CORPORATIONS...

[link to www2.ucsc.edu]
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3940512

your stupidity is mind boggling

Glenn Beck PROVED it months ago


libtard NAZI's like you are despicable
 Quoting: RTS REDUX

1) What are you refering to? What stupidity. I JUST BEAT YOU INTO THE CORNER YOU LITTLE MOUSE. You are out of arguments of any kind.

2) Glen Beck proved what? PROVED?!~ OOOHHHHH... Beck is abusing your mind just like the banks - the only people who benefit from a populace that has no workers rights, no pensions, nothing - IS THE CORPORATIONS AND BANKS.....

3)I am not despicable. I am using referenced numbers, passionate argument, appeal to reason, etc. to try and communicate with you - even though..

YOU ARE NOT WORTH BOTHERING.. Its simple: you are now a brainwashed pro-banker, pro-rich man automoton... Their propaganda is incredibly sophisticated.