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Message Subject Pope Warns of Doomsday, 21 December 2012? Is there doom around the corner they are planning or something to this date afterall?
Poster Handle RDprofessor
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Here is video and link to the Holy See's
Angelus homily yesterday:

[link to www.vatican.va]

Here is a google translate of his
homily of which you are all commenting:

Dear brothers and sisters!

On this last Sunday of the liturgical year, is proclaimed, in the drafting of San Marco, a part of Jesus' discourse on the last times (cf. Mk 13.24 to 32). This speech is, with some variations, in Matthew and Luke, and is probably the most difficult text of the Gospels. This difficulty stems from both the content and the language: it speaks of a future that is beyond our categories, and why Jesus uses images and words taken from the Old Testament, but also inserts a new center, which is Christ himself, the mystery of his person and of his death and resurrection. Even today the song opens with some cosmic images of apocalyptic: "The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken" (v. 24-25 ), but this element is relativized by the following: "Then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" (v. 26). The "Son of Man" is Jesus himself, who links the present and the future, the ancient words of the prophets have finally found one in the person of the Messiah Nazarene: He is the true event which, in the midst of the turmoil of the world, it remains the firm and stable.

To confirm this is another expression of the Gospel today. Jesus says: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (v. 31). In fact, we know that in the Bible the Word of God is the source of creation, all creatures, from the cosmic elements - sun, moon, sky - obey the Word of God, because there are "called" by it. This creative power of God's Word has focused in Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, and also passes through its human words, which are the true "firmament" that directs the thoughts and man's journey on earth. This is why Jesus does not describe the end of the world, and when he uses apocalyptic images, does not behave as a "visionary." On the contrary, he wants to steal his disciples of every age the curiosity for dates, forecasts, and instead wants to give them a key to profound and essential, and especially indicate the right path to walk on, today and tomorrow, to enter in eternal life. Everything passes - reminds us of the Lord - but the Word of God does not change, and in front of it each of us is responsible for his behavior. Based on this we will be judged.

Dear friends, even in our times there are natural disasters, and unfortunately even wars and violence. Even today we need a stable foundation for our life and our hope, the more so because of relativism in which we are immersed. May the Virgin Mary help us to welcome this center in the person of Christ and in His Word.

the rest of the homily is intersperced German, Polish,
French, Italian and English:

Dopo l'Angelus

Cari fratelli e sorelle!

Ieri, a Pergamino, in Argentina, è stata proclamata Beata María Crescencia Pérez, Religiosa, della Congregazione delle Figlie di Maria Santissima dell’Orto. Vissuta nella prima parte del secolo scorso, è modello di dolcezza evangelica animata dalla fede. Lodiamo il Signore per la sua testimonianza!

Je salue cordialement les pèlerins francophones. En cherchant à voir autour de nous les signes de la présence de Dieu et à les accueillir, nous découvrirons le roc solide où s’enracine notre existence au-delà des changements qui nous atteignent. Par la foi, nous communions au dessein d’amour de Dieu sur l’humanité et sur chacun de nous. Dieu est fidèle ! À nous de le chercher ! Pour cela, je vous invite à participer régulièrement à la messe dominicale, nécessaire pour un chrétien. Que la Vierge Marie vous aide à comprendre l’importance de ce rendez-vous et la joie de le vivre en famille ! Bon dimanche à tous !

I greet all the English-speaking visitors and pilgrims present for today’s Angelus. This Sunday, as the liturgical year draws to a close, Jesus tells us that although heaven and earth will pass away, his words will remain. Let us pledge ourselves to build our lives more and more on the solid foundation of his holy word, the true source of life and joy. May God bless all of you!

Ganz herzlich grüße ich die Pilger und Besucher deutscher Sprache, besonders die Reisegruppe des Bayerischen Rundfunks. Die liturgischen Lesungen zum Ende des Kirchenjahres rufen uns immer wieder die sogenannten letzten Dinge – Tod, Gericht, Hölle, Himmel – in Erinnerung. Die Zeit hat ein Ziel. Und wir wollen das richtige Ziel finden. Dazu lädt der Herr uns ein, wenn er sagt, wir sollen wachen und beten, damit wir einst hintreten können vor den Menschensohn (vgl. Lk 21,36). Möge der Herr stets unser Ziel sein in der Freude und Hoffnung auf „das Große, das er denen bereitet hat, die ihn lieben“ (1Kor 2,9). Euch allen wünsche ich einen gesegneten Sonntag!

Saludo cordialmente a los peregrinos de lengua española. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús advierte a sus discípulos, y a todos, que en la vida habrá que afrontar embaucadores, sufrir persecuciones y calamidades. Hoy se sabe esto muy bien. Pero con la esperanza perseverante en la victoria de la Cruz, el corazón humano encontrará siempre un suelo firme, la auténtica paz, en la presencia constante del Señor, verdadero fin de todas las cosas, y cuya ayuda nunca nos abandona. Confiemos a nuestra Madre del cielo nuestros desvelos, y que nos ayude también la intercesión de la Beata María Crescencia Pérez, que ayer ha sido elevada al honor de los altares en Argentina. Muchas gracias y feliz domingo.

Serdecznie pozdrawiam – uczestniczących w modlitwie „Anioł Pański” – Polaków. Ewangelia dzisiejszej Mszy świętej jest zapowiedzią Paruzji, czyli powtórnego przyjścia Chrystusa na ziemię. Wówczas, oświeceni Bożym światłem, uzyskamy odpowiedź na pytania dotyczące naszej egzystencji, a każdy nasz czyn i każda myśl zostaną osądzone. Niech perspektywa tego wydarzenia będzie dla nas przedmiotem szczególnej refleksji w tym Roku Wiary. Wszystkim z serca błogosławię.

[Saluto cordialmente i polacchi partecipanti alla preghiera dell’Angelus. Il Vangelo della santa Messa odierna è l’annuncio della Parousia, della seconda venuta di Cristo sulla terra. Allora, illuminati dalla luce divina, riceveremo la risposta alle domande riguardanti la nostra esistenza, e ogni nostra azione e ogni nostro pensiero saranno giudicati. La prospettiva di questo evento sia per noi oggetto di particolare riflessione in quest’Anno della fede. A tutti imparto di cuore una benedizione.]

Saluto infine con affetto i pellegrini di lingua italiana, in particolare le numerose Scholae Cantorum della Diocesi di Verona, accompagnate dal Vescovo – grazie per il canto che abbiamo sentito! Saluto i volontari del Banco Alimentare e incoraggio ogni iniziativa che educhi alla condivisione, come risposta alle difficoltà di tante famiglie. Saluto i fedeli venuti da Sezze, Tornareccio, Ischia Porto e Comiso, e anche da Malta, come pure i collaboratori laici dell’Istituto Ravasco e il gruppo di Scout dall’Ucraina. A tutti auguro una buona domenica. Grazie. Buona domenica, buona settimana. Arrivederci!.
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