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Hello people of Godlike Productions,
This person James Casbolt is a liar and a fraud,
he is not a former MI6 Agent,
and he is a disinformation agent paid to put certain false knowledge that will lead to neurotic beak downs and panic and false reaction towards things that will happen in the future,
Intelligence Agencies have no things like "Paranormal Training Programs"
the Elite Families who made and control the Intelligence Agencies do not permit the members and agents of these divisions to have any occult or paranormal power,
all the movies about how the CIA and other agencies make X Files and paranormal experiences are made so that you chase the wrong mark,
instead of turning your attention to developing yourself and tracking ancient knowledge in texts and scriptures they make you wear a foil hat and think that intelligence agencies have all the "Paranormal" in the world,
the intelligence agents themselves are controlled and brainwashed by the Elite Occultists who has foolishly enough turned their attention to Moloch instead of YeHeWaH,
and they shall pay most dearly and any one foolish enough to think that they can secure him protection money or fame,
they may make you see miracles and have bodies and have "Power",
only they ignore telling you that you can be as much powerful as any of them,
to know the truth of intelligence agencies i think you should watch the show Angel,
see how Wolf Ram & Hart have technology and modern things like cars and casinos then in truth you find in the backstage vampires seers and demons?
this is exactly how it is,
all the new weapons and mind control are small trickles to the public less informed branches of these agencies,
this knowledge have been kept long in magical education and tradition,
only recently they have translated it into science and made the agencies make weapons by this trickled information to allow their occultists to use real magic while the common conspiracy theorists chases the wrong mark, "Intelligence Agencies& Space Age Technology",
those Elite Families know that to keep humanity deceived as far as they know they have to never use magic in public and never ever let it be known that there is even magic,
only "Paranormal" provided in an empty false scientific context,
to do this they give the "Intelligence Agencies" some trickled knowledge and order them to translate it into a modern weapon or application,
then they make them use public targets and let the victims publish their stories so the public is aware of the weapons,
don’t you think that the many countless victims of Electronic Weapons and Scalar Energy and Microchips could have been silenced before you could say "unfair"?
if some one could stop your heart beat with a click and it is in his best interests to keep this knowledge secret why would they allow a victim like Jesus Mendoza to publish everything while make fake attempts to "Cover Up"?
they simply were making a public display,
it is the same with those ray guns that make your skin hot,
after the hype dies and the theory sinks deep in the conspiracy forums these weapons see the shelf and only stand there gathering dust while the real bloodlines and occultists start using magic on a mass scale to attack terrorize and harm people and have all the blame referred to Scalar Energy and Electronic Pulse Weapons,
i do not say that these things do not exist, they do but they are not really used they are only for your eyes,
what really is used is magic, that is why no one can ever find a trace and your foil hats never worked and will never work, and this is why many of the public display victims found that none of the new anti ELF and Infra Red machines and other technological useless things work,
you can't combat someone disrupting your heat beat and psychic energy centers with a foil hat,
i shall here explain the techniques provided by this creature and how they are false and depend on giving something similar to your expectations of how the truth should be to deceive you to try certain methods to make you think you have powers but you really only deceive yourself,
there is an old maxim in the magical community saying "believe only in what you perceive with your mind, not what you make your mind perceive."
now let us start by the "Remote Viewing Technique";
"1) Take a photo of the location you wish to R.V and stare at it for a few seconds until you have the image in your mind's eye. This is known as your 'vector intension'. "
this is extremely wrong,
remote viewing is the art of sensing someone and seeing them from afar,
sensing locations and seeing them with your eye,
not taking photographs of locations and induce a trance on yourself and make yourself think you can see it,
this is called self-brainwashing.
all what you need is the knowledge that this place exists nothing more or less.
the universe is made out of Akasha, energy,
this energy does not respond to physical actions as much thought,
this principle makes the most basic energy the universe is made of,
human bodies are made from this energy, and this energy condenses into different organs and membranes the same way the energy condenses into electrons and photons,
this energy is what the whole world is made of,
this energy exists in several densities that go beyond the material Ether,
these densities and levels of existence are called by your sci-fi fans Dimensions,
this is why there is several worlds,
however any think that you only exist in one which is extremely wrong,
you have several bodies, these bodies are merely the energy that makes your body in its different densities,
then it follows that you exist in all these worlds, but your consciousness is focused on your physical energy density, the physical world.
Elite Families and Occultists have been given the knowledge to focus their consciousness on using only one of the lesser density energy bodies,
and can then work only in one of the dimensions of the lesser density energies and have powers like traveling anywhere by thought and controlling the lesser density energy bodies of others.
i shall also mention something critical,
the energy density of each dimension are divided into sub densities,
like the material world that has Etheric and Physical densities.
that is the radio waves and internet and satellite and ELF in a group and the flesh and bones and physical things in a group,
each energy density affects the other like the domino effect,
when i affect for example the etheric density of your body or your Etheric Body you will feel the effect instantly in your physical body as they both fall in the same group the Material Density,
so when i make my etheric energy stop your heart beat boil you alive or cut you to shreds while you are still standing,
all while i am leaving the physical density body and walking in the etheric subdimension with only my other lesser density energy bodies so you can see me and cant affect me by using your higher density energy physical body.
the former was an example,
now i have explained how to be able to transfer yourself by thought not by imagining yourself somewhere but by using one of your lesser density bodies to go somewhere by simply thinking and willing yourself to be there even if you don’t know where exactly is this place,
you can will yourself near a person even if you don’t know him really or even if you don’t know where he or she is.
people of advanced skill and who opened their third eye by special training can make these energy manipulations into the higher density levels,
so instead of making a fireball out of the lesser density astral or etheric energy they make it in the physical density and can also affect directly the physical body and levitate fly and perform many anti-gravity feats like this,
now that i explained how can people rally use merely thought to travel let us go to the next section of the "Remote Viewing Technique".
"2) Put the photo down and lay down in a comfortable place. Close your eyes and count to 12 slowly. With each out-breath 'feel' yourself sinking deeper and deeper into whatever you are laying on."
this is incorrect,
here again we have the same trick of hypnotizing yourself into thinking you are somewhere without as i said before actually projecting,
you inter an induced coma and think yourself somewhere while in reality you are dreaming and your astral lesser density body is hanging helplessly in the lesser energy density realm.
the real shamanic method to project is by using drums and forcing the consciousness into the etheric body by extreme relaxation on the floor and by rhythmic drum beating,
all this while the aspiring shaman is to be imagining himself spinning not into the floor, but into a vortex of the astral plane, these vortexes have certain symbols to get you to a certain density,
this is an example of how you may access certain parts of the astral and allow yourself to either use remote viewing faculties or to even use the astral density body while you are using also your physical body, i may elaborate on how this may be done later.
"3) Now visualise yourself floating up to the ceiling and though the top of the roof. The moment you project out the top of the roof, the picture in your mind's eye reverses like a mirror and you are now looking down on your rooftop."
that also is an example of how you merely create a world in your own mind,
you don’t get out because all the projection techniques as i have explained are false,
when you create this picture in your mind you have completed a first stage of self hypnotism,
in the normal projection techniques that are used you move forward with your will and thought by extending and pushing your consciousness through the Akasha, to the place you want,
not hypnotize yourself into imploding into your own hypnotism-made coma world.
""4) Visualise yourself floating higher and higher into the sky. Your house becomes tiny. After this you can see you’re whole town, then your whole country, then the whole planet as your bio-plasmic body moves out into the outer atmosphere of the planet. How much of your awareness you take with your bio-plasmic/astral body depends on your ability to relax. Do not try to relax. Without trying to sound corny, love and peace is the key to relaxation.
5) Now float away from the planet and see it disappear as you move into space. You will automatically be pulled into the galactic centre through the force of electro-magnetic energy. You see yourself approaching a column of white light and as you enter the column you float peacefully up in a spiral movement and move through a portal at the top of the spiral.""
these are a follow up to simply make you go deeper into the coma world.
""6) You are now in the 5th dimension. This is where you create your 'Celestial Sanctum' which will be your base of operations for all remote viewing you perform. You can visualise this as sitting in a luxury mansion, cosy cottage or any other building. It does not have to even be a building. The world of the Shaman is not limited.""
no by this stage you already has established a world not outside of you in a higher dimension but INSIDE of you.
it is the same technique used to make people surf their mind and memories better in hypnotism and is used by agencies to make agents reveal suppressed memories.
""7) See yourself sitting on a bed or chair in one of the rooms then get up, walk down the stairs, out of the front door. In your driveway you will find your favourite car or any other vehicle you choose. This is where your Shamanic R.V journey really begins.
8) You drive through various roads and scenery of your choice until you arrive at a beach. Here you get out the car and walk along the beach. It is a beautiful day and you feel very happy. ""
these are direct hypnotizing remarks,
notice how he sets the state of your mind and emotions before he tells you to continue in the practice,
he dictates the state you should be in by now you have memorized the instruction and in a state of complete self hypnosis and in fact once the memories return you are in no state to forcefully alter your consciousness,
notice the mention of the beach,
again i would tell you that there are certain words,
beach flowers sun light love birds bell
these are key words to make you enter a state of calm numbness and open the subconsciousness.
here is the main key and the reason this thread was posted,
through the various instruction you followed before you have already set the state a hypnotizer may need you to be in,
then in these instructions you are told to simply hypnotize yourself to be happy and calm and notice how you walk in the streets and on the beach this gives the illusion of freedom,
this techniques are used to make you enter into the numb blessed slave state and to make you feel that there is nothing wrong,
this was put in TV and movies songs and everywhere now they need to trick you to hypnotize yourself because they are losing control and TV and movies are not enough anymore to control the masses especially those at the conspiracy forums and are beginning to wake up, who are already on their guard from mainstream media.
""9) You come across your 'spirit guide' who is sitting at a table on the beach. This could be a Buddha, Jesus Christ, Merlin, a Shamanic Power Animal or whoever. Just know that God sits at the top of creation and he, she, it is alive and loving.
10) You ask your spirit guide ( he/she who guides your spirit ) to help you in your RV session and ask it be done for the highest good. You can also have in-depth conversations with him/her at this point as you are vibrating on a much higher electro-magnetic frequency.""
again here we see how he is hypnotizing and telling you what to expect and do,
here you merely create another personality which may well end up with you turning into a schizophrenic.
see how he sets certain religious figures and models into the expectations you may like your "Spirit Guide" to be,
Buddha Jesus Merlin these are figures that were deformed and used by the Brotherhood a long time ago for mass hypnotization,
instantly when you hear these figures and interact with anything they represent you either are repulsed for those who are waking up or get into the preset of calm obedience and reverence you have been brainwashed into.
as for the Shamanic Animal Guide, this idea was introduced in the false new age character and will always set you in the fluffy mood of the new age movement will all the false ideas about love hatred and "spiritual peace".
it also serves to give him credit for his "Shamanic Ancestors",
i would note that the atlantian bloodlines of Egypt are extinct and only a corrupt Arabic Satanic Elite remain who pretend to be Muslims and has brainwashed everyone there to be a Muslim as much as the Elites in America pretend to be Christian and brainwashed everyone else into being a Christian.
and both of them are controlled by the Corrupt Satanic Cabalists pretending to be Ashkenazi Jews but don’t want to make anyone else a Jew because Judaism is one of the rare religions that are more open to magic and mystical teachings despite the modern perversions and editions to the testaments, and have no hell or other crap to control the public like the modified versions of it called Islam and Christianity do, however even this is corrupted and dimmed by the Corrupt Elite.
some of these religions are the Tibetan traditions and other peaceful traditions, that are being abused by the Brotherhood because they are loosing control.
""11) You then walk away from the table and walk further along the beach. Here you come across an elevator. You push the button that says 'open' and the elevator door opens in front of you. You get in and push 'ground floor'. As the elevator descends you see large red lights travel past you in the elevator. The elevator has an open roof the red lights are in the elevator shaft. They are numbered and as you descend lower you look up and count them
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
When you reach 1 the doors open and walk into purple coloured room.""
notice again the direct hypnotism techniques and remember very well, that counting numbers and things is HYPNOTISATION self hypnosis that is extremely dangerous and may induce coma and psychological disorders.
look again how he tells you how to make your own world,
despite the common thought the real astral world and lesser density dimensions are worlds that do not require you to make them in your head they are completely objective worlds,
any idiot telling you to create a world in your brain and think it is an objective dimension like the physical world is a liar and he wants you to hypnotize yourself,
the real objective subtle planes are simply just like the physical one and don't need you to "design" them from scratch, if some one tells you you have to then they are hypnotizing you.
""11) The room can be visualised as you see fit. You can also create other rooms for other purposes. This purple room is your RV room. There is a large screen at the far end. See your original vector intension on the screen. If it is a military base then walk through the screen into the base. From here you move around the same way you do in the Celestial Sanctum. Go wherever you want. You are infinite. If at any time you feel in danger, project yourself instantly back into the purple room. When you have finished the Rv session, come back into your physical body by travelling back the way you came in reverse. Do not just coe back into your physical body from the purple. This is important as your guides will downstep your frequencies on the way back. ""
this again is a direct hypnotism technique,
in hypnotism the victim is asked to reverse his self hypnosis to avoid remembering or disrupting the state he is in,
if you really was in an objective subtle plane or dimension all you will have to do is to will yourself into the physical body and you will be there as fast as you think it,
why did he tell you to reverse the procedure?
because it was hypnosis you wasn't in a real world where you could see all the dimension you are in including all the higher more dense ones like the real projection, no you were merely hypnotizing yourself. the dimensions do not exist separate like ladders, no they may be considered as frequencies if you are in one then you can see all the lower ones and access them easily enough.
however in this techniques you are tricked into hypnotizing yourself and he forgets to mention that this is not really remote viewing at all this is a perversion of a technique called Astral Projection, only he turned it into self hypnosis.
in real remote viewing you condense something called the Principle Of Light, or the akasha energy frequency of the plane you want to view from or view,
the energy called akashaas i said before is the root energy of all manifest existence and is channeled from different modes of existence.
when you saturate your eye and the mirror or the medium you use with this you can move your thought through the tool like you use your own body to travel through the akasha and view the place or person,
it is the same thing the only difference is that you didn’t project but you are in the physical body.
and you are using a medium or your own eyes as a gateway to fill it with akasha and treat it as an object from the lesser density planes where you will be able to view images of higher density planes or dimensions easily because the akasha principle works by thought.
it is in every thing it is the creative energy that can take you to any part of it by simply your thoughts, and as it is in every place it can take your thought or make you push an outlet from it to any other part of it and see either the lesser density dimensions of it or the higher physical one,
it works with viberation if your thought are similar to something then they are already placed and pushed automatically into it,
this is how you simply either push your vision or make the aksha channeled in the medium turn into an image of whatever you wish to view,
because you will it to be similar and then it will be at the same frequency and will look and act exactly like it.
another way is to simply take out the lesser density part of your eye and move it through akasha to the place you want to see,
the physical part will not work since the body is like a plug if you take the lesser density part that receives the input from the higher density and translates it into your mental body then the physical is a dead line,
however you will manage to see anything happening in the lesser density frequency where you have transferred your consciousness of your eye and including the physical density,
most of my family almost always keep one eye saturated with that principle and ready to be projected alone into any place they want to see and the next bathroom they see a woman go into.
people can also project their hands or feet alone and make the knocking sounds ghosts in most stories are known to make.
this is real remote viewing as i know it and generations after generations of my family were taught it and mostly used it to spy on nude women or view the secrets of people to blackmail them.
please people do not forget to view everything you read with caution and see the real reason and nature of instructions and do your own research,
do not fall blindly into any instruction that gives a beam of spirituality or magic just because it is a relief of the material life you live use your minds and logic to see behind things,
Light Be With Us All.