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Message Subject Any experts on Dissociative Identity Disorder around here?
Poster Handle K-lis
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DID is such a severe illness once you are diagnosed you will most likely be in an institution as a lab rat for the remainder of your days. There is no way to keep someone with DID in society without them being a risk of harm to others. The liability alone keeps them inpatient.
 Quoting: Desertwolf

...really? but isn't it a disorder that develops in order to help a person continue to function, in the face of trauma - isn't that why it exists ? if so that doesn't make any sense - wouldn't a person be used to functioning with it in day to day? maybe not without pathology - of course, but...you see what I'm saying don't you?
 Quoting: K-lis

The theory is it is caused by a survival response to severe trauma. How can you survive modern society if you cannot be sure of who you are at any given moment? How do you keep a job? No modern society would only make the situation worse, these people are not capable of living a normal life in any stretch of the imagination. read some of the case stories. Most people diagnosed where kept isolated or prisoners for years before being discovered they where not in the general population to begin with .
 Quoting: Desertwolf

It's not usually that severe, though. Normal DID isn't like a "memento" situation where people are switching that rapidly that often and without coconsciousness between alters.

Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct or split identities or personality states that continually have power over the person's behavior. With dissociative identity disorder, there's also an inability to recall key personal information that is too far-reaching to be explained as mere forgetfulness. With dissociative identity disorder, there are also highly distinct memory variations, which fluctuate with the person's split personality.
 Quoting: web md

If you read the dissociative experiences scale, it talks about stuff like extreme daydreaming, trancing out, zoning out, compartmentalizing memories - if you read only the most extreme manifestation case studies you don't get an entirely accurate picture of those who have it - exactly the same as if you read a description of violent homicidal psychopaths you don't get an accurate picture of sociopathy. Do you know how many sociopaths actually are homicidal? very very few. Most of them are just involved in basic cons and can function unnoticed in society. They aren't "usually" ted bundy, but those are the "case studies" most people know of.

not an accurate representation of the whole...
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